目的探讨脂联素对肝星状细胞-T6细胞系(hepatic stellate cell-T6 cell line,HSC-T6)细胞迁移作用机制,并评价一氧化氮(n itric oxide,NO)在此过程中的作用。方法以脂联素治疗肝HSC-T6细胞,采用qPCR检测肝脏星状细胞的iNOS基因表达水平;W estern b lot法检测iNOS蛋白的表达以及划痕修复实验检测脂联素作用下HSC-T6的迁移情况。结果脂联素作用下,iNOS基因及蛋白表达均明显升高,HSC-T6细胞培养基中NO代谢产物浓度显著升高,HSC-T6细胞迁移显著受抑制。结论脂联素具有抑制HSC-T6细胞迁移的作用,这种作用可能是通过NO介导实现的。
Objective To investigate the mechanism of adiponectin on HSC-T6 cells migration and estimate the function of the NO during the procedure. Methods HSC-T6 cells were divided into 3 groups.HSC-T6 cells were treated by adiponectin,qPCR and Western blot were used to investigate the expression of iNOS gene and protein respectively.Scratch-wound healing method was used for migration investigation. Results In group treated with adiponectin,the expression of iNOS gene and protein increased significantly(P0.01).The nitrate/nitrite concentration in HSC-T6 cell culture medium increased(P0.01).The HSC-T6 cells migration was inhibited significantly. Conclusion Adiponectin could inhibit HSC-T6 cells migration,which could be mediated by NO partially at least.
Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology