
建立高等职业教育独立体系:我国大陆高等教育学制改革方向——从美国、俄罗斯和台湾地区高等教育学制比较视角 被引量:6

The Establishment of the Independent System of Vocational Higher Education:the System Orientation of Higher Education in China Mainland——In Perspective of USA,Russia and Taiwan
摘要 高等教育学制是高等教育制度中最重要的组成部分,是整个高等教育系统运行的关键。通过对美国、俄罗斯和台湾地区高等教育学制进行比较研究,指出美国高等教育学制貌似单轨型实为双(或多)轨型,各层次高等教育自然衔接,职、普两类高等教育双向自由沟通;俄罗斯高等教育学制貌似分支型实为接近单轨型,各层次高等教育自然衔接,职、普两类高等教育单向顺畅沟通;台湾地区高等教育学制貌为双轨型实为交汇型,各层次高等教育自然衔接,职、普两类高等教育层层交叉沟通。不管是否设有独立的高等职业教育体系,它们皆有效地构建起了人才成长的立交桥。借鉴这些国家或地区高等教育学制的成功经验,针对我国大陆高等教育制度系统存在的问题,我国大陆高等教育学制改革的方向应是:建立高等职业教育独立体系,且这一体系必须突破专科层次限制向上延伸。 School system of higher education is the most important part of higher education system, is the key to the operation of higher education system. Based on the comparision of school systems of higher education in USA, Russia and Taiwan, this paper sums up that the school system of higher education in USA appears to be single--track mode, but double (or multiple)- track mode in essence, and that different levels of higher education connect naturally and two types of higher education link freely in two--way. It argues that the school system of higher education in Russia appears to branch mode but close to single--track in essence, and that different levels of higher education con- nect naturally and two types of higher education link smoothly in one--way. It also pioints out that the school system of higher education in Taiwan Province appears to be double--track mode, but converging mode in essence, and that different levels of higher education connect naturally and two types of higher education cross--link at all levels. Learning from the experiences of these countries and district, this paper proposes that China should set up the independent system of vocational higher education without upper limit of levels.
作者 姚加惠
出处 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 2010年第6期93-98,共6页 University Education Science
基金 厦门大学"985"二期创新基地课题"高等教育学制改革研究"(A2005201)
关键词 美国 俄罗斯 台湾地区 高等教育学制 特点 USA Russia Taiwan school system of higher education feature
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