

Research on Destination Address Selection Problem in Router-level Topology Discovery
摘要 路由器级拓扑发现对于获取Internet网络拓扑结构具有重要意义,而如何获得拓扑发现的目标地址是其面临的一个主要问题。现有的方法主要使用Internet上公布的BGP(Border Gateway Protocol)前缀,若对其不加处理,对所有的网络前缀都进行探测,所产生的网络负荷和算法收敛时间将难以接受。同时,在选择目标地址时也需要考虑完备性,以保证对目标网络的覆盖程度。文中对已有的"桩网络法"进行改进,实验证明提高了目标地址的真实性以及对目标网络覆盖的完备性。 Router-level topology discovery has great impact on getting Internet network topology,how to fix the destination address is a major problem on that process.The common method is to use the BGP prefix promulgated in Internet,if do not dispose the prefix before using them,we must probe every subnet in the prefix,that will generate extremely hard workload.At the same time,the coverage of the target network should also be taken into consideration.This paper improve the 'the Stub network'measure,the experiment result shows it better enhance the accuracy and coverage of the probe destination.
出处 《南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第6期65-70,共6页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications:Natural Science Edition
基金 国防"十一五"装备预先研究基金(51306010202) "十一五"国防重点预研基金(9140A06040108JB8101)资助项目
关键词 拓扑发现 目标地址选址 桩网络 topology discovery destination address selection stub network
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