
WTO补偿规则之改革建议剖析 被引量:1

Comments on Reform Proposals for Improving WTO's Compensation Rules
摘要 WTO各成员及学者们针对补偿规则提出了一系列完善建议,除了一些合理性和实用性不强的建议外,总体上试图强化WTO责任制度。但这些建议中只有个别建议可能被接受,其他建议虽具有法律逻辑上的合理性,但至少暂时恐难为WTO成员特别是贸易大国所接受。这些强化WTO责任制度的建议能否被接受,取决于多种因素的影响,特别是贸易大国愿意在多大程度上推进贸易的自由化。 WTO members and scholars put forth a series of suggestions about improving the WTO's compensation rules which as a whole intend to strengthen WTO's liability rules. But among these suggestions, although some suggestions are rational from the angle of legal logic, only a few of them can be accepted by WTO members, especially by trade powers. The acceptance of these suggestions strengthening WTO's liability rules mainly depends on the effects of many factors, especially the desire of trade powers for trade liberalization.
作者 张军旗 盛建
出处 《上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期41-47,共7页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目<WTO体制下的国际法律责任制度研究>(05CFX033)
关键词 WTO 争端解决 补偿 国际责任 WTO dispute settlement compensation international responsibility
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