工作场所学习(Workplace Learning,WPL)是一种难以准确把握的活动,它并不一定会给员工们带来自主权与自主性,相反,可能强化现有的权力关系,可能对员工的自主权产生负面影响。这种情况产生的根本原因在于企业的经济利益导向,而我们需要的是能够在经济利益与民主之间保持平衡的工作场所学习。
Workplace learning is a problematic activity that may not bring the empowerment and autonomy to employee but in the reverse:it may enhance the present power relation and produce adverse impact on the autonomy of employee.The root cause of this condition is that the target of enterprises is to seek profit so we need the workplace learning that can keep balance between economic benefits and the democracy.
Communication of Vocational Education