To improve the diagnostic level and surgical curative effect of the intracranial cholesteatoma. Methods Analyse and summarize the clinical materials included the clinical rnain manifestations,diagnstic modss, microsurgical approach, and outcom of 218 patients with the intracranial choesteatoma . Results There were 203 cases(93. 1% ) total removal of the tumor. In the remaining 15 pahents(6. 9% ), adhesion hghily to the thalamus or brain stem made only subtotal removal of the capsule of tumor. 5 patients were died (2. 3% )because of brain stem ischenda or edema, and lung infechon within two weeks petoperahvely. Longterm follow-up review(mean 5. 6 years) in 176 patients reveded good recovery of 170 patients(96. 6% ), contmeted with a 1. 7% (3 cases) late recurrence rate after operations. This patients with recurrence of tumor need to treat by again operative management. Conclusion It is effective method by using the CT or MRI to diagose and microsurgical technique to remove cholesteatoma for these patients.
Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment