目的:评价急诊冠状动脉造影用于拟诊急性缺血性心脏病胸痛病人的价值。方法:对持续胸痛0.5 ~12h,心电图拟诊急性缺血性心脏病的病人,急诊行冠状动脉造影术,对确诊为急性心肌梗死而梗死相关动脉TIMI血流≤Ⅱ级者行直接经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术(percutaneoustransluminalcoronaryangioplasty,PTCA)。结果:59 例疑为急性缺血性心脏病发作的病人中,5 例(5/59) 被除外冠心病,54 例(54/59) 确诊为急性心肌梗死,其中单支血管病变28 例,双支病变17 例,三支病变4 例,左主干合并三支病变1 例,冠状动脉造影正常4 例。梗死血管前降支病变24 例,右冠状动脉病变23 例,回旋支病变3 例。对其中43 例TIMI≤Ⅱ级心肌梗死病人的梗死相关动脉进行直接PTCA 术,手术成功率100 % ,TIMI血流Ⅲ级40 例,Ⅱ级3 例,33(33/43) 例病人置入冠状动脉内支架。术中无1例出现严重并发症。结论:急诊冠状动脉造影术对急性胸痛持续发作病人是安全和可行的,它可准确判断冠状动脉病变的有无,同时对冠状动脉堵塞引起急性心肌梗死病人可同时进行直接PTCA 术,从而改善预后。
Objective: To evaluate the value of emergency coronary artery angiography in patients with persistent chest pain during suspected acute ischemic heart attack. Methods:Emergency coronary artery angiography was performed in patients with suspected acute coronary heart disease from 0.5 to 12 hours from onset of chest pain. According to the results of coronary angiography,direct angioplasty was performed in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI)with infarct related artery TIMI Ⅱ flow or less. Results:Of the 59 patients with persistent chest pain of suspected acute ischemic heart attack, in 5(5/59) patients ischemic heart disease was ruled out,and the remainders were diagnosed as AMI. Of the 54 patients with AMI, coronary angiography showed normal coronary artery in 4 patients,single vessel disease in 28, double vessel disease in 17, triple vessel disease in 4,left main accompanying with triple vessel disease in 1.Infarct related arteries were left anterior descending artery in 24, right coronary artery in 23, left circumflex in 3.Direct angioplasty was performed in 43 patients with AMI. Procedural successful rate was 100%, and TIMI Ⅲ flow was achieved in 40(40/43). Coronary stents were implanted in 33 (33/43). No one died during all of the procedures. Conclusion:Emergency coronary angiography was a safe and reliable procedure in patients with persistent chest pain suspected acute ischemic heart disease. It is helpful to diagnose whether there is coronary artery disease, and to identify infarct related artery and TIMI flow of AMI. Direct angioplasty and stenting could be done simultaneously to improve patient’s prognosis.
Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences)
Coronary angiography Chest pain/diag Coronary disease/diag