
英语专业本科生毕业论文前言部分写作难点研究(英文) 被引量:1

On Writing Difficulties in Introduction Section of English Graduation Paper for Undergraduate in English Majors
摘要 在英语学术目的研究领域,鲜有学者针对我国英语专业本科生毕业论文的写作进行专门研究。文章从社会文化的角度,指出英语专业本科生在写作毕业论文前言部分时存在完成某些特定语步的困难,指出造成这些语步完成困难的主要原因是:长期存在的本科英语毕业论文写作教学和指导方法的不清晰,以及学生所持有的以"遵循"为主的东方文化传统观念。为此,文章提出在本科英语毕业论文写作教学和指导过程中采用"特别用途英语体裁教学法",并对学生进行相应的学术素养教育。 In the research field of English for Academic Purposes(EAP),Chinese undergraduate English majors' Graduation Paper has seldom been studied from a socio-cultural dimension,this paper aims to identify the difficulties that the target students may have in writing the introduction section of their English graduation paper and points out that the difficulties perhaps results from the writing teaching and instruction without clear and definite purpose,as well as the oriental cultural tradition characterized by "following".In view of this,the paper proposes that the "ESP genre approach" and the academic literacy education should be adopted to relieve the dilemma.
作者 刘凌玲
出处 《黄石理工学院学报(人文社科版)》 2010年第6期80-86,共7页 Journal of Huangshi Institute of Technology:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 湖北省教育厅人文社科基金资助项目"英语学术论文写作传统与文化研究"(项目编号:2010q024)
关键词 英语专业本科生 毕业论文 前言 语步 “特别用途英语体裁教学法” 学术素养教育 undergraduate in English major English graduation paper introduction section moves the "ESP genre approach" academic literacy education and to provide the relevant pedagogical solutions.and the main causes
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