Global financial crisis struck all carbon fiber industries,but supply overtook demand and the price fell off which promote the development of downstream CFRP industries,while the big trend of saving energy and reducing waste gases all over the world which promote the revival of carbon fiber and CFRP market,the rapid growth of carbon fiber industries in new rising countries especially in China,in force the developed countries ad-justing their strategies.The balance of supply and demand will reach around the year of 2012 accompanying the recovering of airplanes and sport goods markets and the developing of new markets such as new energies and auto-mobiles according to the predict,hear after ultra fast development of carbon fiber will appear,while China’s carbon fiber industry will encounter both opportunity and challenge.In addition the levels of carbon fiber both in technolo-gies and properties in abroad will rise to new step,in the same time a lot of new type carbon fibers with low price will be born.
Hi-Tech Fiber and Application