【目的】探讨全棉籽替换TMR(全价混合日粮)中精料对奶牛生产性能的影响。【方法】试验选用产奶量、膘情、胎次相近、泌乳后期健康的荷斯坦奶牛30头,褐牛25头。采用自身对照,对照期按牛场常规TMR饲喂奶牛,试验期在TMR中用2 kg全棉籽替换等量的精料饲喂奶牛,与对照期相比较。【结果】试验期乳脂率、乳糖率极显著地高于对照期(P<0.01),荷斯坦奶牛和褐牛的乳脂率提高了9.09%和8.70%;荷斯坦奶牛和褐牛的乳糖率提高了2.82%和7.98%;试验期奶牛产奶量、干物质采食量、乳蛋白都有增高的趋势,但与试验期相比差异不显著(P>0.05)。【结论】在奶牛泌乳后期,用2 kg全棉籽替换TMR中等量(2 kg)精料可以提高奶牛的乳脂率和乳糖率,但对体细胞数及其它乳成分的影响差异不显著(P>0.05)。
【Objective】This study was conducted to discuss the effect of replacing 2 kg concentrate by 2 kg whole cottonseed in TMR on the production performance of dairy cows.【Method】The test used healthy Holstein cows 30 with similar milk yield,similar degree of fat,closer parity,late lactation and 25 brown cows,self reference method was used.Dairy cows was fed conventionally TMR in control period at cattle farms,but 2 kg whole cottonseed replaced by the same amount of concentrate in TMR that were given dairy cows in experimental period,compared with the control period.【Result】Milk fat percentage and lactose percentage of dairy cows in experimental period was significantly higher than that in the control period(P 0.01),Milk fat of brown cows and Holstein cows increased by 9.09% and 8.70%;lactose rate of Holstein cows and the brown cattle increased by 2.82% and 7.98%;Milk production,dry matter intake,milk protein had a rising trend,but there was no significant difference compared with the experimental period(P 0.05).【Conclusion】In late lactation of dairy cows,replacing 2kg concentrate by 2kg whole cottonseed in TMR for cows could increase milk fat and lactose,but there were no significant influence on the somatic cell counts and other milk composition(P0.05).
Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences