This paper reports the progress in ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) project and putsemphasis on its influence on the study of AGB stairs. Because AGB stars lose mass in large scaleand become mostly optically thick, infrared observations can be used to exhibit the gas/dustcomponents of the circumstellar envelopes. Furthermore, the circumstellar envelope of AGB starsis a very important source for the evolution of interstellax medium, and a clear understanding ofthe AGB stars' circumstellar envelope will help investigate the evolution of cosmic abundances.ISO spoilt quite a lot of time on observations of AGB stars with various methods includingimaging, spectroscopy, polarimetry and photometry with higher resolution, better sensitivity andwider wavelength coverage than those of the first infrared astronomical satellite IRAS. Thoughthis space infrared obserwtory finished its mission just in May 1998, already some useful resultshave been published. Detached shell structure of AGB stars seen from ISO photo-imaging impliesnon-colltinuous mass loss process. Compared with previous observations obtained from IRAS andground telescopes, ISO reveals more complete spectrum of some molecules such as HCN, CO andPAH. In addition, ISO discoveres maily new lines, some of which have been identified, while manyof which are yet to be identified. In particulax, the dust features are abundant in the spectra ofAGB stars. In the upcoming years, more laboratory work is needed and a good understanding ofthe mass loss and circumstellar components of AGB stars can be expected.
Progress In Astronomy
stars: AGB-stars: circumstellar envelope-infrared: stars-space astronomy:infrared