
基于遗传算法和贪心算法正交多相码设计 被引量:3

Design of Orthogonal Polyphase Code Based on Genetic Algorithm and Greedy Algorithm
摘要 由于MIMO雷达发射相互正交的信号,所以设计具有低自相关旁瓣和低互相关的正交信号是MIMO雷达实现的关键问题之一。首先以自相关峰值旁瓣平方、互相关峰值平方及自相关和互相关能量为代价函数,应用遗传算法和贪心算法的混合优化算法来搜索正交多相码,分别进行了4相位和32相位的多相码设计;其次放宽自相关主瓣宽度,并设计了32相位的正交多相码;最后进行了随机相位正交多相码设计。仿真实验表明了以上各种设计的有效性和可行性。 MIMO(Multiple Input Multiple Output) radar transmits orthogonal signals,so the design of low autocorrelation sidelobe and cross-correlation is one of the key techniques of MIMO radar systems.Firstly,the cost function is chosen as the square of autocorrelation peak sidelobe,the square of cross-correlation peak,autocorrelation and cross-correlation energy.A novel hybrid algorithm,combined genetic algorithm and greedy algorithm optimization,is then proposed to search orthogonal polyphase code and applied to design 4 phases and 32 phases for orthogonal polyphase code.After that,32 phases of orthogonal ployphase is designed by relaxing the main-lobe width of its autocorrelation.Finally,the design of random phases orthogonal polyphase code is presented.Simulation results show that all designs are effective and feasible.
出处 《雷达科学与技术》 2010年第6期543-548,558,共7页 Radar Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.60872155) 长江学者和创新团队发展计划(No.IRT0954)
关键词 MIMO雷达 正交多相码 遗传算法 贪心算法 MIMO radar polyphase orthogonal code genetic algorithm(GA) greedy algorithm
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