

Collisions Effects of Two-Sized Particle in a Liquid-Solid Fluidized Bed
摘要 通过考察铅直管内粒径不同两组分颗粒群滑流速度的变化,分析颗粒的受力情况,对大小颗粒群之间的冲突作用给予颗粒速度的影响进行了评估.在本研究范围内,相对于净浮力和液相施与的曳力,冲突作用力很小,忽视其效应对计算颗粒运动的准确性影响轻微,这使我们得以简化分析颗粒的受力,定义每一组分颗粒群的曳力系数. By investigating the change patterns of the slip velocities of two sizes well-mixed particles in a vertical column,the forces effects on particles are analyzed and the effects of collisions on particle slip velocities are calculated.Under these experimental researches,compared with the drag force and the net buoyant forces,the collisions effects are minor and can be omitted.The omission of the collision has little influence on the accuracy of calculating the velocities of particles.This new calculation method simplifies the analysis of force effects on particles and makes the definition of drag coefficients on each group of particles easier.
出处 《湘潭大学自然科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期99-101,126,共4页 Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University
基金 广州市属高校科技计划项目(08C080) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金
关键词 曳力系数 冲突 颗粒群 液固流化床 drag coefficient collision solid particles liquid-solid fluidized bed
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