
主观性很重要--重新思考俄罗斯与西方关系 被引量:3

Subjectivity matters:Reconsidering Russia's Relations with the West
摘要 在后苏联时代,俄罗斯外交政策的典型特征是情境性前后矛盾的重复出现,即立场的不对称变化以及与参与政策形成巨大反差的行为。这种不合逻辑的外交政策行为突出表现在2008年俄格冲突、北约东扩和美国计划在西欧部署导弹防御系统的过程中。传统理性主义国际关系理论都是以行为体为中心,都假设行为体的政策偏好不是易变的,所以对俄罗斯这种让人困惑的外交政策行为时缺乏解释力。外交政策受到行为体对世界的主观解读和情绪的影响。俄罗斯不被西方尊重的感觉导致了两者的冲突,俄罗斯的"愤怒"是不被尊重的感觉导致的情绪化判断,是为了显示自身的重要性而非起破坏作用。分析俄罗斯外交政策中的主观性因素,为更好地理解俄罗斯与西方关系提供了一个新的理论和分析的角度。 In the post-Soviet period,the characteristic pattern of Russian foreign policy is the reemergence of situational inconsistencies,namely disproportionate changes and shifts of positions and behavior substantially contrary to engagement.Such illogical foreign policy behavior is typically embodied in Russia's reactions in the Russian-Georgian war in 2008,NATO enlargement and US plan to install missile defense system on the European continent.The author thinks that traditional rational,actor-centered IR theories,which assume that an actor's policy preference does not easily change,lack explanatory force for the puzzling Russian foreign policy behavior.He believes that foreign policy is affected by actors' subjective interpretation of the world and their emotions.Russia's feeling of disrespect breeds tensions and conflict and its "anger" expresses an emotional judgment resulting from the feeling that Russia is not respected by the West,which aims to reveal Russia's importance rather than to serve as a destructive role.Analysis of the subjectivity in Russian foreign policy helps to provide a new theoretical and analytical perspective to better understand the relationship between Russia and the West.
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期37-54,共18页 Russian Studies
关键词 俄罗斯与西方关系 前后矛盾 理性 政策偏好 主观性 情绪 尊重 愤怒 Russian-Western Relationship Inconsistency Rational Policy Preference Psychology Subjectivity Emotion Respect Anger
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