
油煤浆输送管路弯管部位液固两相流流场的数值模拟与磨损预测 被引量:8

Numerical Simulation of Liquid-solid Flows in Elbows of Coal-oil Slurry Transporting Pipeline and its Wear Prediction
摘要 针对煤液化工业中的油煤浆管路,利用Fluent软件对90°弯管分别取3种不同管径、8种弯径比,进行了液固两相流流场的数值模拟,得到湍流状态下管内流体的速度分布.通过二次开发将磨损模型嵌入到Fluent软件中,实现了对弯管部位的磨损预测.数值计算结果表明:弯管与出口直管连接区磨损较为严重;同一管径的弯管,最大磨损速率随着弯径比的增大而减小;相同弯径比的弯管,磨损速率随着管径的增大而减小.不同管径弯管合理的弯径比不同,管径越小,合理的弯径比越大. Numerical simulation of liquid-solid flows was done by Fluent for elbows of 90°,each with 3 different kinds of diameter and 8 kinds of bending radius-diameter ratio which were used to transport coal-oil slurry in coal liquefying industry.The fluid velocity distribution was obtained under turbulent flow.Wear model was inserted into Fluent by secondary development to predict the erosion at the elbow region.It reveals that the downstream connecting region of the elbow and the straight pipe suffers much erosion.And the maximum wear rate decreases with the increase of bending radius-diameter ratio for elbows with the same diameter.Under the same bending radius-diameter ratio,the wear rate decreases with the increase of diameter.The reasonable bending radius-diameter ratios are different for different diameter elbow.The smaller the diameter,the larger the reasonable bending radius-diameter ratio.
出处 《河北工业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期66-71,共6页 Journal of Hebei University of Technology
基金 河北省教育厅自然科学研究项目(2006330)
关键词 油煤浆 弯管 液固两相流 磨损 数值模拟 oil-coal slurry elbow liquid-solid flow wear numerical simulation
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