
职前后中学数学教师学科知识的比较研究 被引量:13

Comparative Study on Subject Matter Knowledge of Pre-service and In-service Secondary Mathematics Teachers
摘要 学科知识并不是成功教学所需要知识的全部,但它是教学的必要条件,对教学起着重要的影响作用.职前后教师的学科知识水平之间存在显著的差异,职后教师的学科知识水平明显高于职前教师.而且就函数知识而言,职前后教师的学科知识结构呈现出了以下不同特征:(1)职前教师函数知识的概念表征、图形性质、复合函数和反函数各成份之间存在显著的相关性,并且可以通过概念表征、图形性质的知识预测他们关于复合函数和反函数的知识;(2)对于职后教师而言,只有概念表征、复合函数和反函数之间具有显著的相关性,但可以通过概念表征的知识来预测他们关于复合函数和反函数的知识. An important mathematicsl topic was chosed to survey pre-service and in-servise teachers' subject matter knowledge. It was found that there existed significant difference between them. The in-service teachers performed stronger in the subject matter knowledge. Furthermore,on the specific topic of function,the pre-service teachers' knoweldge showed the significant correlation among conception representation,graph feature,and compsite and inverse function. Their konwledge in compsite and inverse function could be predicted by the first two constructions. However,the in-servise teachers' knowledge showed the significant correlation just between conception representation and graph feature,but their konwledge in compsite and inverse function also could be predicted by the two constructions.
出处 《数学教育学报》 北大核心 2010年第6期46-49,共4页 Journal of Mathematics Education
基金 全国教育科学规划中小学数学教育研究专项——新课程改革背景下的数学课堂教学研究(GOA107014)
关键词 学科知识 比较研究 数学教师 函数知识 subject matter knowledge comparative study mathematics teacher function
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