The nuclear detectors of semiconductor germanium and silicon are widely used in nuclear radiation detect, which have a small volume, a short rise time, and a high energy resolution. But the germanium and silicon materials have the narrow forbidden energy gap (Ge:Eg= 0. 665 eV, Si:Eg=1.12 eV) and atomic number (Ge:Z=32, Si:Z=14). Therefore, they have the limitation in applications. The gallium arsenic material has the preponderance of wide forbidden energy gap(Eg=1.45 eV and high atomic number
The nuclear detectors of semiconductor germanium and silicon are widely used in nuclear radiation detect, which have a small volume, a short rise time, and a high energy resolution. But the germanium and silicon materials have the narrow forbidden energy gap (Ge:Eg= 0. 665 eV, Si:Eg=1.12 eV) and atomic number (Ge:Z=32, Si:Z=14). Therefore, they have the limitation in applications.