In 2005, the installation of whole vacuum system of HIRFL-CSR was finished and the ideal pressures have been obtained. During the beam commissioning, the vacuum system of CSRm's injection beam line keeps a good condition in most of the cases. But at one time, the beam bumped against a glass view window in a 60°dipole chamber which was designed for alignment (Fig. 1). The fast valve closed when the pressure rose. Then
In 2005, the installation of whole vacuum system of HIRFL-CSR was finished and the ideal pressures have been obtained. During the beam commissioning, the vacuum system of CSRm's injection beam line keeps a good condition in most of the cases. But at one time, the beam bumped against a glass view window in a 60°dipole chamber which was designed for alignment (Fig. 1). The fast valve closed when the pressure rose.
Support by WTZ Project of BMBF, German Government