目的 通过分析风险管理在护理工作中所起的作用,有效回避护理风险,降低护理风险的发生率.方法 建立护理安全管理体系,完善护理风险防范预案,加强护理风险监控,培训护士风险防范意识和能力.结果 加强了护患关系,改善和提升了护理质量,使患者满意度明显提高.结论 护理风险管理的实施,对预防护理安全隐患的发生,减少护理差错和护理纠纷起到了重要作用.
Objective To reduce the incidence of nursing risk effectively by the risk management.Methods The system of nursing security management was established, the prevent file of nursing risk keeping away was consummated, the supervisory control was enhanced and the ability and consciousness of risk keeping away for nurses were trained by the nursing manager. Results The relationship between the patients and nurses was strengthened, the nursing quality was improved and and the degree satisfaction of patients was increased markedly. Conclusions The execution of nursing risk management play important role on preventing the occurence of nursing trouble and reducing nursing error and nursing dissension of work in hospital.
Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
Outpatient nursing
Risk management