
ZnO白漆空间性能退化的地面恢复与保护研究 被引量:4

Ground Recovery and Conservation of Property Degradation of ZnO-pigmented White Paints in Space
摘要 地面环境与空间环境间的巨大差异对氧化锌白漆的性能退化研究影响很大。为了在地面模拟实验中保护氧化锌白漆的光学性能退化,在模拟的空间环境下对S781白漆进行了150keV质子辐照实验,辐照后分别在原位、空气、真空、氩气和液氮环境下研究了S781白漆光谱反射系数的变化和太阳吸收比的变化。结果表明:空气暴露后,氧在氧化锌表面的化学吸附使光学性能退化显著恢复。真空、氩气和液氮能够抑制气体的化学吸附,因此对光学性能退化具有保护作用。此外,液氮的冻析效应也有助于抑制光学性能退化的恢复。 The large differences between the ground environment and space environment have important repercussions for the study of property degradation of ZnO-pigmented white paints.In order to conserve the optical degradation of ZnO-pigmented white paints in the ground experiments,S781 white paints were irradiated with 150-keV protons in a simulated space environment,and the irradiation-induced spectral reflectance change and solar absorptance change were studied in situ,in air,in vacuum,in Ar,and in liquid-nitrogen,respectively.The results show that the chemisorption of oxygen on ZnO causes the optical degradation to recover markedly when the irradiated samples are exposed to air.The vacuum,Ar,and liquid-nitrogen environments can suppress the chemisorption of ambient gases,and therefore conserve the optical degradation.Furthermore,the freeze-out effect of liquid-nitrogen is also useful for suppressing the recovery of optical degradation.
出处 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期7-10,16,共5页 Journal of Materials Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50502006) 北京市科技新星计划资助项目(2008A029) 北京市腐蚀 磨蚀与表面技术重点实验室和北京市教委共建项目(SYS100080419)
关键词 空间环境 性能退化 氧化锌白漆 地面环境 space environment property degradation ZnO-pigmented white paint ground environment
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