BACKGROUND: The safety of 2-h preoperative clear liquid fasts has not been established for overweight/ obese pediatric day surgical patients. Healthy children and obese adults who fasted 2 h have small residual gastric fluid volumes (GFVs), which are thought to reflect low pulmonary aspiration risk. We sought to measure the prevalence of over-weight/obesity in our day surgery population. We hypothesized that neither body mass index (BMI) percentile nor fasting duration would significantly affect GFV or gastric fluid pH. In children who were allowed clear liquids up until 2 h before surgery, we hypothesized that overweight/obese subjects would not have increased GFV over lean/normal subjects and that emesis/pulmonary aspiration events would be rare. METHODS: Demographics, medical history, height, and weight were recorded for 1000 consecutive day surgery patients aged 2 - 12 yr. In addition, I000 day surgery patients (age 2 - 12 yr) undergoing general endotracheal anesthesia were enrolled. After tracheal intubation, a 14 - 18 F orogastric tube was inserted and gastric contents evacuated. Medications, fasting interval, GFV, pH, and emetic episodes were documented. Age- and gender-spedfic Center for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts (2000) were used to determine ideal body weight (IBW = 50th percentile) and to classify patients as lean/normal (BMI 25th - 75th percentile), overweight (BMI 〉i 85th to 〈 95th percentile), or obese (BMI ≥ 95th percentile). RESULTS: Of all day surgery patients, 14. 0% were overweight and 13.3% were obese. Obese children had lower GFV per total body weight (P 〈 0. 001 ). When corrected for IBW, however, volumes GFV (IBW) were identical across all BMI categories (mean 0. 96 ml/kg, sd O. 71; median 0.86 ml/kg, IQR 0. 96). Preoperative acetaminophen and midazolam contributed to increased GFV (IBW) (P = O. 025 and P = 0. 001 ). Lower GFV (IBW) was associated with ASA physical status Ill (P = 0. 024), male gender (P = 0. 012), gastroesophageal reflux disease (P = 0. 049), and proton pump inhibitor administration (P = 0. 018). GFV (IBW) did not correlate with fasting duration or age. Decreased gastric fluid acidity was assodated with younger age (P = 0. 005), increased BMI percentile (P = 0. 036), and African American race (P =0. 033). Emesis on induction occurred in eight patients (50% of whom were obese, P = 0.052, and 75% of whom had obstructive sleep apnea, P = 0.061 ). Emesis was associated with increased ASA physical status (P =0. 006) but not with fasting duration. There were no pulmonary aspiration events. CONCLUSIONS: Twenty-seven percent of pediatric day surgery patients are overweight/obese. These children may be allowed dear liquids 2 1, before surgery as GFV (IBW) averages 1 ml/kg regardless of BMI and fasting interval. Rare emetic episodes were not assodated with shortened fasting intervals in this population.
Anesthesia & Analgesia
致谢:感谢一些对本实验项目提供帮助的医生:Lynda K. Ander-son, RN
A. Michael Broennle, MD
Patricia M. Browne, MD
Sabaa Dam
Lisa M. Fazi-Diedrich, MD
Travis C. Foster, PhD
Elynor Furlan, RaN
Michael Garafolo, RN
Linda Greim, RN
Patricia Haupt, RN
Ellen C. Jantzen, MD
George Karopovich, RN
ChristinaLiro, MS
Marcie Peyser-Friedman, CRNP
Leslie Plona, CRNP
Liban Rodol, MD
Linda L. Thomas, RN. 作者也感谢许多其他住院医生、麻醉医生、麻醉护士、外科医生和手术室护工.