目的探讨镍钛(NiTi)摇椅弓附加前牙区垂直牵引对前牙开畸形的治疗效果。方法利用NiTi摇椅弓加前牙区垂直牵引对2007—2009年在厦门市第一医院思明分院口腔科就诊的18例前牙开畸形患者进行矫治,并对矫治前后的头颅侧位片进行测量分析。结果 X线头影测量显示治疗后骨骼无显著变化,下切牙伸长,下磨牙压低,上切牙及上下后牙竖直,上颌平面有顺时针旋转的趋势,下颌平面有逆时针旋转的趋势。开间隙关闭,前后牙建立良好的咬合关系,所有病例治疗后均取得满意疗效。结论 NiTi摇椅弓加前牙区垂直牵引是治疗前牙开的有效方法。
Objective To cephalometrically evaluate the effects of open bite treatment with NiTi arch wires and anterior elastics. Methods The study group comprised 18 patients from Xiamen First Hospital Siming Division during 2007—2009,who displayed an anterior open bite. The cephalograms were compared before and after treatment. Results Cephalometric analysis displayed that no obvious changes could be found with bones;open bite closure had been achieved mainly by extrusion of the lower incisors and uprighting of the upper incisors. The functional occlusal plane was leveled by the uprighting of the posterior teeth to the occlusal planes through the distal tipping movement of the entire dentition. All the cases got satisfactory results after treatment. Conclusion NiTi arch wires and anterior elastics is an effective way to treat anterior open bite.
Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology