采用共焦Raman光谱分析法对交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘发生击穿后的通道,以及在试验条件下加18 kV工频电压得到的电树枝的不同生长长度处树枝通道进行化学产物分析,最终获得了击穿通道产物的材料特性、击穿通道处有游离碳的特征峰谱线的存在,并依此判断电力绝缘发生击穿后绝缘材料被碳化,针尖附近亦测到游离碳的存在,但离针尖较远处的谱图上均没有测得碳峰,谱图上均有荧光背景存在,不同生长长度处电树枝通道的谱线含有不同的交联聚乙烯基带峰,表明材料发生裂解,并且随着电树枝的生长其裂解程度不同。
The structure and chemistry of the channel of electrical breakdown and electrical treewhich being grown under 50 Hz/18 kV have been studied by a combination of confocal Raman microprobe spectroscopy.In breakdown channel,it is found that there is disordered graphitic carbon,and their Raman bands stand for the graphitic sp2 G and D bands.In different length of electrical tree,the chemical products are different.First,near the pin,it is detected that there is disordered graphitic carbon, but the disordered graphitic carbon is not tested in any other place.It is also found that,for different length of electrical tree,the intensity of fluorescent decomposition products and peaks of Raman spectral band are not the same.From this,it can be indicated that the decomposition degree of the material is different with the electrical tree growth.
Insulating Materials