1979~1984年,先后从北京、河北等七省市棉花枯萎病田采集无病株和轻病株,以及无病田的健株四千余株,其中包括生产用抗病和感病品种十余个,进行了维管系中主要微生物类群分析.结果表明,棉株维管系中除了定殖引致萎蔫病的病原真菌之外,还有大量的非病原真菌和细菌.维管真菌是以镰刀菌(Fusarium spp.)为主的半知菌,细菌有芽孢杆菌(Bacillusspp.)、黄单胞杆菌(Xanthomonas spp.)和欧氏杆菌(Erwinia spp.)为主要成员,品种间差异不大.维管组织中微生物的总量和组成随着棉苗的生长发育而发生较大变化。
For the analysis of vascular microbes,about four thousand symptomless and mildly diseased cotton plants were collected from 1979 on from the fields located in Beijing,Hebei,Liaoning,Shandong,Henan,Jiangsu and Hubei where were heavily infested by Fusarium wilt pathogens.The main groups of microbes isolated from ten upland cotton variaties and identified by tranditional methods consisted of different genera of fungi and bacteria,such as Fusorium spp.,Cheatomium spp., Trichothecium spp.,Bocillus spp.,Xnnthomonas spp.,Erwinia spp.,etc.The size and composition of these microbial populations varied with the grouth of the cotton plant,but the main groups presant were the same for these different variaties tested.