

Clinicopathology and Immunohistochemistry Comparative Study between Chromosomal Translocation-Associated and Nontranslocation-Associated Soft Tissue Sarcomas
摘要 对染色体易位相关软组织肉瘤(chromosomal translocation-associated sarcomas,CTASs)与染色体易位非相关软组织肉瘤(chromosomal translocation-nonassociated sarcomas,CTNASs)在临床病理组织学和免疫组织化学方面的不同特点进行初步观察和比较。回顾性分析108例CTASs与CTNASs的临床病理组织与细胞形态学特点,同时采用免疫组织化学Envision法检测EGFR、HER-2、CD117、P53、MDM2蛋白的表达和分布。结果显示,本组108例软组织肉瘤中,CTASs患者发病年龄(平均约29.2岁)较CTNASs患者发病年龄(平均约44.7岁)小。形态学上,CTASs多以小圆形细胞为主型(53.8%)和梭形细胞为主型(46.2%)居多,而CTNASs则以多型性细胞为主(51.2%)。免疫组织化学染色显示,CTASs与CTNASs中P53、MDM2、HER-2、CD117、EGFR蛋白的阳性表达率分别为75.4%和72.1%、16.9%和41.9%、12.3%和9.3%、4.6%和0、23.1%和11.6%。经卡方检验,MDM2在CTASs与CTNASs中的表达差异有显著性,提示MDM2可能在CTNASs发病机制中扮演重要的角色。 To compare the different features of clinicopathology and immunohistochemistry between chromosomal translocation-associated and nontranslocation-associated soft tissue sarcomas.There was a restrospective analysis of 108 soft tissue sarcomas samples clinicopathological features and the expression of EGFR,HER2,CD117,P53,MDM2 protein between special chromosomal translocation-associated and nontranslocation-associated sarcomas.Clinically,the patients with special chromosomal translocation-associated sarcomas were younger(average age 29.2 years at diagnosis) than those with nontranslocation-associated sarcomas(average age 44.7 years at diagnosis).Morphologically,the chromosomal translocation-associated sarcomas were mostly composed of round cells(53.8%) and spindle cells(46.2%),and the nontranslocation-associated sarcomas were mostly composed of pleomorphic cells(51.2%).The positive rate of P53,MDM2,HER-2,CD117 and EGFR protein expression between special chromosomal translocation-associated and nontranslocationassociated soft tissue sarcomas were 75.4% and 72.1%,16.9% and 41.9%,12.3% and 9.3%,4.6% and 0,23.1% and 11.6%,respectively.The expression of MDM2 protein was significantly different between special chromosomal translocation-associated and nontranslocation-associated sarcomas.It suggests that MDM2 gene may play an important role in pathogenesis of nontranslocation-associated sarcomas.
出处 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第6期722-726,共5页 Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30560169)
关键词 软组织肉瘤 染色体易位 病理组织学 免疫组织化学 soft tissue sarcoma chromosomal translocation histopathology immunohistochemistry
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