
棉花膜下滴灌农田单点墒情监测模拟模型的建立与检验 被引量:2

Establishment and Verification of Soil Moisture Model for Cotton Cultivation with Drip Irrigation under Mulch
摘要 为了探索较为适宜北疆杂交棉田的灌溉策略及建立该灌水模式下的墒情监测模型,在膜下滴灌杂交棉花铃期,对不同灌水频率和灌水量条件下土壤含水率的时空变化特征及产量展开大田试验调查。结果表明:5d30mm灌水模式最为适合北疆杂交棉花的生长,根层75%相对含水量为适宜的土壤水分临界值,并建立该灌水模式下的墒情预测模拟模型:y=-1.321x2+2.855x-0.6178(R2=0.945),模型的检验结果表明模型可以精确的模拟相同土壤质地的土壤含水率。 Field experiment was conducted to investigate spatial and temporal variation of soil moisture and its yield under irrigation frequency and amount of different treatments during flowering-bolling stage of hybrid cotton.Thus efficient irrigation strategy may be provided and soil moisture model under this irrigation strategy could be established for hybrid cotton in Northern Xinjiang.The result showed that 5d 30mm irrigation mode was recommended for hybrid cotton growth in Northern Xinjiang,75% of relative soil water content could be recognized as the critical value of soil moisture.Moreover,the soil moisture model was established as followed:y=-1.321x2+2.855x-0.6178(R2=0.945),which can precisely simulate soil moisture with the same soil texture for different regions in different years.
出处 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第6期761-766,共6页 Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAD44B07) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2006AA100218-6) 新疆兵团科技型中小企业创新计划(2006YD43) 农业科技成果转化项目(2008GB2G410378)
关键词 时空变化 灌溉策略 等值线图 监测模型 模型检验 spatial and temporal variation irrigation strategy isoline figure monitor model model verification
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