
静磁表面波传输各向异性研究 被引量:1

Study on Anistropy of Magnetostatic Surface Wave Propagation
摘要 建立了在实际 Y I G/ Al2 O3 /金属层状结构中的静磁表面波各向异性色散理论,利用数值计算方法研究了偏离正常传输方向 φ角时的波矢频率(k┐f)和群延时频率(τg f )的色散特性。随 φ角的增大,色散加剧,群延时增大,但可激励静磁表面波的理论带宽变窄。φ存在一极限值,且在靠近静磁表面波低频限的频率范围内 φ的极限值也是色散的,与 Αl2 O3 层的厚度有关。 The anisotropy dispersion theory of magnetostatic surface wave( MSSW) in the YIG/Al 2O 3/Metal multilayer structure is constructed and the dispersion characteristics about (k f) and ( τ g f ) are investigated by numerical method. The results are presented for various angle φ diverging the normal MSSW propagating direction. With the φ increasing, the dispersion becomes more acute and the group delay τ g is also increasing. But the theoretical exciting bandwidth of MSSW is decreased rapidly. The maximum limit of φ is determined and it is found that the limit value of φ is dispersive at the frequency range near the lower frequency limit of MSSW associated with the thickness of Al 2O 3.
出处 《压电与声光》 CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期253-255,294,共4页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
关键词 静磁表面波 各向异性 色散 magnetostatic surface wave anisotropy dispersion
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