通过分期播种试验,对生产上应用的水稻三系不育系天丰A、龙特浦A、Ⅱ-32A、金32A的花粉败育类型与始穗前15 d温、光条件的关系进行了探讨。结果表明,供试三系不育系的花粉败育程度在不同的温度下表现不同,天丰A的花粉可染率和自交结实率及Ⅱ-32A的花粉可染率均与始穗前15 d的日平均气温呈显著正相关,龙特浦A的花粉可染率和自交结实率均与始穗前15 d的日平均气温呈显著负相关,不育系育性与光长相关不显著。据初步观察,温度对不育系育性的影响时期为幼穗雌雄蕊分化期至减数分裂期。
The relation of aborted pollen types of widely-used indica CMS lines including Tianfeng A,Longtepu A,Ⅱ-32 A and Jin 23A to the conditions of temperature and photoperiod 15 days before initial heading was surveyed and analyzed under field conditions with split seedings in Changsha,Hunan and Sanya,Hainan.The results showed that the extent of pollen abortion of the tested CMS lines varied with temperature conditions.There existed a significant positive correlation of the daily mean temperature 15 days before initial heading to the stained pollen percentage and selfed seed setting percentage for Tianfeng A,and to the stained pollen percentage for Ⅱ-32 A,but a significant negative correlation of the daily mean temperature 15 days before initial heading to the stained pollen percentage and selfed seed setting percentage for Longtepu A.No correlation was found between the fertility of CMS lines and the photoperiod.Based on the preliminary observation,the sensitive period of fertility to temperature of the tested CMS lines was from the formation of pistil and stamen to meiotic division of young panicles.
Hybrid Rice