
TCP Vegas-b:TCP Vegas改进算法 被引量:5

TCP Vegas-b: Enhanced TCP Vegas congestion control algorithm
摘要 针对TCP Vegas存在的过早结束慢启动进入拥塞避免阶段,导致带宽利用率下降;与TCP Reno共享一条链路时不能公平的竞争到带宽等不足,提出了改进算法TCP Vegas-b。该算法改进了慢启动阶段的窗口增加方式并且在拥塞避免阶段中动态调整、的值。实验结果表明,改进后算法有效的解决了慢启动过早结束的缺陷,提高了吞吐量,并且实现了Vegas和Reno在共存环境下两者良好的兼容性。 TCP Vegas has many shortcomings including the slow-start phase is over too early and then go into the congestion avoidance phase, which would lead to low bandwidth utilization. In addition, Vegas can not get a fair bandwidth when it shares one link with Reno. To overcome these shortcomings, a new algorithm is proposed, called TCP Vegas-b, the algorithm changes the window increase method in slow start and dynamic adjusts the value of α, β in congestion avoidance. Results of the simulation indicated the algorithm solves the shortcomings of the end of slow-start early, increases throughput and achieves good compatibility in the coexistence environment for Vegas and Reno.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期438-441,445,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 广西自然科学基金项目(0728099)
关键词 慢启动 拥塞避免 吞吐量 兼容性 公平性 slow start congestion avoidance throughput compatibility fairness
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