
快速SPARC V7指令集模拟器的设计方法 被引量:3

Design of fast SPARC V7 instruction set simulator
摘要 为提高解释型指令集模拟器的速度,研究了模拟器设计的译码分派技术及其优化方法,针对模拟器运行时译码阶段开销较大和执行阶段需要本地机器指令较多等特点,提出用预译码技术和优化线索解释技术相结合的方式,提升模拟器的速度。通过设计一个基于SPARC V7指令集模拟器,结合实例对3种模拟器性能进行比较分析,实验结果表明了该方法的可行性和有效性。 To increase the speed of instructions set simulator (ISS), decode-and-dispatch and optimization methods in simulator' s design is studied. Aiming at the problems of a lot of the execution time spent in instruction decode and many local machine instructions executed in instruction execution, themeth^d~~~gyc^mbineddec^de-and-dispatchwithpre-dec^deispresentedt^increase^SS^sspeed. Finally, by design case ofa ISS based on SPARC V7 instruction set and analyzing the performance of three kinds of simulators, the validity and efficiency of the presented method is demonstrated.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期531-534,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(90818024)
关键词 模拟器 指令集模拟 预译码 线索解释 译码分派 simulator instruction setsimulation pre-decode threaded code decode-and-dispatch
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