

Formalization Study of Trust Management Based on "Softman"
摘要 信任管理从网络环境安全和信任的真实需求出发,收集、分析、处理网络环境中的信任信息,并通过一些策略和方法,建立规则、模型、评估标识信任度、提出管理策略。信息科学、系统科学、人工智能、人工生命等的发展为在复杂环境下对海量及分布式数据进行信息挖掘并以此为基础进行决策提供了有效途径。软件人模型技术将有助于突破网络信任管理关键技术环节。对网络环境中信任以及信任关系进行研究,提出了基于软件人的网络信任管理架构并给出了形式化描述。 The trust management,starting from the real requirement of network environmental security and trust,collects,analyses and processes the trust information of network environment.In the paper,the rule and model have been established,the trust level has been evaluated and identified,and the management strategy has been proposed.The "Softman" model and technology are helpful to break through key technologies link of network trust management.The trust relationship in network environment has been studied,the trust management framework based on "Softman" is proposed and its formalization representation is given in this paper.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期213-216,401,共5页 Computer Simulation
基金 国家973基础研究项目(2007CB310701)
关键词 信任管理 软件人 形式化 信息安全 Trust management Softman Formalization Information security
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