
我国药事服务费收费水平研究 被引量:5

Study on Charging Level of Pharmaceutical Service Fee in China
摘要 目的:科学测算药事成本,量化药事服务费收费水平。方法:通过问卷调查收集全国12省市部分公立医院的财务数据,采用描述性统计方法分析医院药事成本,分别测算门诊药事服务费和住院药事服务费的收费水平。结果:门诊药事服务费按每张处方平均收取5~10元可补偿门诊药事成本,住院药事服务费按每床日平均收取15~30元可补偿住院药事成本。调研结果表明不同级别、不同类型、不同地区医院之间药事服务费收费水平存在较大差异。结论:各地在制定具体收费水平时,应根据实际情况分地区、分医院类型和级别来具体制定,并及时根据处方量和住院床日变化进行调整。 OBJECTIVE:To scientifically measure the cost of pharmaceutical affairs, and to estimate the charging level of pharmacy service fee in public hospitals. METHODS: Questionnaire survey was conducted in 12 provinces and cities for financial data collection. The descriptive method was used to analyze the cost of hospital pharmaceutical affairs. The charging level of outpatient pharmaceutical service fee and inpatient pharmaceutical service fee were measured and analyzed, respectively. RESULTS: The scope of outpatient pharmaceutical service fee was 5~10 yuan per prescription while the inpatient pharmaceutical service fee 15~ 30 yuan per day to compensate the cost of pharmaceutical affairs. The results of investigation showed that there were significant differences in pharmaceutical service fee among different levels, different types and different districts, hospital. CONCLUSIONS: The charging level varies according to the conditions of regions, levels and types of hospital and the charging level of pharmaceutical service fee should be adjusted according to the amount of prescription and hospitalization stay.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期775-777,共3页 China Pharmacy
基金 国家发展和改革委员会委托课题“医疗机构设立药事服务费问题研究”
关键词 药事服务费 补偿机制 收费水平 测算 Pharmaceutical service fee Compensation mechanism Charging level Measure
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