
成对比较检验在乳液基质化妆品感官评定中的应用 被引量:12

Application of Paired Comparison Test to Sensory Evaluation of Lotion Cosmetics
摘要 探讨5款配方配比的乳液类护肤化妆品在消费者使用中感官评价的区别,选用成对比较分析法对其进行感官上的定性评定,并且探讨成对比较分析法的原理和应用。通过成对比较分析法对5款不同配方的护肤乳液类化妆品进行感官评价分析,感官评价指标包括:铺展性、湿润度、厚重感、光亮度、滑爽感、残留量、柔软感、黏滞感等感官指标,运用数理统计中的方差检验对评分进行分析。结果显示,以4%PTID+10%IPP为配方的3号样品,在铺展性、湿润度、光亮度、滑爽感、柔软感等感官特性明显强于其他4款配方的样品,以4%DISD+10%IPP为配方的2号样品在残留量、黏滞感等感官特性明显强于其他4款配方的样品。通过本实验,基本建立了乳液类护肤化妆品感官评价的评价体系;对5款不同配方的样品进行测试,得到了针对不同感官评价指标结果较优的样品配方。 The differentiation of sensory evaluation for five kinds of formula of emulsion-type skincare cosmetics in consumers' usage is explored and the principle and application of the paired comparison method are studied.A sensory qualitative evaluation of five kinds of formula of emulsion-type skincare cosmetics is analyzed by using the paired comparison method;10 sensual evaluation indexes,such as spreading,wetness,thickness,gloss,slipperiness,type of residue,softness,and stickiness,etc.,are used to conduct resultant inspection through variance test in mathematical statistics.Results reveal that the sample of formula of 4% PTID and 10% IPP is better than other four samples in spreading,wetness,gloss,slipperiness,and softness;the sample of formula of 4% DISD and 10% IPP is better than other four samples in term of residue and stickiness.This experiment fundamentally builds a sensory evaluation system for the emulsion-type skincare cosmetics and gains the best formulation of sample for different index results of sensory evaluation by testing five different formulations of samples.
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期56-61,共6页 Science & Technology Review
关键词 成对比较分析法 化妆品 感官评价 paired comparison test cosmetics sensory evaluation
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