目的 探讨建立大鼠颈动脉内皮剥脱动物模型的方法 ,观察内皮剥脱后平滑肌细胞 (SMC)增殖反应。方法 采用自制 2FFogarty导管剥脱大鼠动脉内皮 ,观察SMC增殖。结果 内皮剥脱后即刻动脉、血管壁内皮细胞消失 ;内皮剥脱后 2天动脉、SCM轻度增生 ;内皮剥脱后 1周动脉SMC增生、管壁增厚 ;内皮剥脱后 2周动脉管腔内血栓形成伴机化 ,管腔闭塞 ,SMC增生 ;内皮剥脱后 4周动脉管腔内血栓机化 ,再通 ,部分管腔闭塞再通后管腔变窄 ,SMC增生。结论 大鼠颈动脉内皮剥脱后刺激血管SMC增生。
Objective To study the method of establishing a rat carotid artery model and observe SMC proliferation. Methods To observe SMC proliferation after balloon arterial injury in rat carotid artery. Results ① Endothelial cells couldn't be found in balloon injury artery , which meant that the method was reliable.② The artery was closed 2 weeks after balloon injury for the reason of SMC proliferation and migration. Conclusion SMC proliferation can be observed in the balloon injury. The model is well established.
Journal of Luoyang Medical College