英美法上的lien,指物上负担,其内涵大致相当于我国法上的担保物权加诉讼保全等强制措施。Maritime lien是lien在海商法上的特殊表现形式,本意为设定在海上财产上的法定非移转占有型担保。我国在制定《海商法》时因未考察lien,所以不知如何准确翻译它。无奈之下,只好参照maritime lien在有关国际公约中的法文相应概念,privilege maritime,并将这一法语术语译为"船舶优先权"。优先权概念遂进入我国法律体系。但令人们始料不及的是,优先权概念所表征的法国法上的法定担保制度,与我国依据德国法传统建构起来的法定担保物权制度及其理论体系,圆凿方枘,格格不入。结果,导致了延续至今的争议,给我国的《物权法》立法、学术研究和对外学术交流均造成诸多负面影响。优先权概念的引入实为我国法律移植中的一个败笔。
Lien in Aglo - American law means a charge on property.Its connotation roughly amounts to real right for security and measure of levy in Chinese law.Maritime lien is just one of its specific forms in maritime law,meaning non - possessory statutory lien.At the time when China was making its maritime law,due to the lack of a thorough study of the term,people did not know how to translate it exactly.Having no other choice,they had to referred to its French equivalent,privilege maritime in a relevant international convention and finally translated the French term into"ship privilege".Thus,the concept of privilege entered into the Chinese legal system.To many people's surprise that the French system of security by operation of law is totally alien to the Chinese system of real right for security and its system of theory which were formulated upon the German legal tradition.Consequently,a resulted dispute has been dragging on until now,which has exerted a great adverse impact on the enactment of China's Property Law,academic research and communications as well.The reception of the concept of privilege is indeed a big flaw in China' s transplant of foreign laws.
China Legal Science