
理性、权威与制度变迁——中国协商民主发展逻辑再思考 被引量:8

Ration,Authority and Institutional Change:Reflection on development of deliberative democracy in China
摘要 我国协商民主的发展,既是一个协商民主理论自洽的实践检验过程,也是一个协商民主模式与既有治理格局调适的过程。通过从内在的理性基础和外在的权威关系两个层面考察表明,中国协商民主的发展逻辑在于如何以组织化治理模式去拓展理性的包容性基础与整合化程度、提供精英与大众的理性互动的结构载体,具体的制度变迁则可以通过"吸纳—整合—重构"的路径实现。 The development of deliberative democracy in China is a process in which self-consistent of the theory is tested in practice, and a process of adjustment between established governance structure and deliberative democracy. The investigation of the rational basis of deliberative democracy and the out- side-relation with the authority shows that the development path of deliberative democracy in China is how to organize the logic of governance to develop an organizational governance so as to expand the rational basis for inclusion and integration level for the deliberation, and to provide a structured carrier for rational interaction between elite and mass. The institutional ehange can be got through the path of absorb-integration-reconstruction.
作者 吴兴智
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期82-88,共7页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 理性 权威 制度变迁 协商民主 组织化治理 ration authority institutional change deliberative democracy organizational governance
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