可记忆电阻器,本文简称为忆阻器,能够不需要功率源而储存信息,是一种纳米尺寸的器件,它于1971年被Leon Chua作为一种"丢失的电路元件"提出,2008年被惠普实验室研究人员Williams R S等证明的确存在,成为电路理论里电阻器、电容器和电感器以外的第四个基本电路元件,极有可能引领电子学的一次重要变革。本文回顾了忆阻器的概念和数学定义,重点介绍了惠普实验室的Pt/TiO2/Pt三明治结构的忆阻器薄膜器件模型和忆阻器元件某些值得关注的特性,如滞回曲线特性,最后探讨了可记忆元件在纳米级器件领域的应用前景和研究方向。
Memristor is the contraction for memory and resistor, means memorable resistor, which can store information without the need of a power source. It was predicted in 1971 by Leon Chua as a “Missing Circuit Element” and was identified by R. Stanley Williams as a possible nanoscale device. In this paper, we review the concept and the mathematical definition of memristor, introduce the HP’s sandwich model of Pt/TiO2/Pt, and provide a fundamental analysis of the memristor behavior , such as pinched hysteretic loops. Finally, we discuss its application and research fields as a nanoscale device in the future.
Computer Engineering & Science