
先进低成本的铸件浇注和补缩系统设计方法 被引量:9

An Advanced and Cost-Saving Method for Designing a Gating and Feeding System of Castings
摘要 用实例介绍了一项用于铸造生产的三维模拟技术,通过对金属液充型和凝固过程的数值模拟进行铸造工艺设计,从而在计算机上实现可视铸造过程,能保证既快又省地设计一个优化的铸造工艺。与传统的模数法,经验和试错的工艺设计不同,本模型是用铸件的凝固时间计算补缩系统。从一个铸件凝固模拟开始,根据凝固时间和被补缩的体积,计算冒口和冒口颈的尺寸和数量,再进行铸件加冒口的模拟计算,做必要的修正,直到获得满意的结果,最后根据铸件的临界壁厚、体积、充型速度和浇注温度等参数计算浇注系统。当整个系统设计完成后,模拟计算整个充型和凝固过程以验证设计,做必要的修正,直到获得一个能生产无铸造缺陷铸件的铸造工艺,即保证一次成功生产出合格铸件,节约了时间和成本。 This paper presents a 3D simulation technology to design the feeding and gating systems, and simulate mould filling as well as solidification. While the traditional design was based upon pen and paper calculations (modulus) , experiences and guesses, this technology enables to conduct a fast and inexpensive virtual design and verify the effect of any change, and finally resulting in an optimal casting configuration. The underlying model is based upon the solidification time of the casting to calculate the feeding system. First of all, only the solidification of the cast product is simulated. Based on the solidification time and the volume to be fed, the feeding system is proposed by calculation. Then, the proposed feeding system is taken into account in the simulation and if necessaw, the feeding system can be modified until a satisfied designing is obtained. Finally the gating system is calculated depending on the volume of the casting, including the risers, the critical wall thickness of the cast product and the pouring temperature. When the complete casting system has been designed, mould filling and solidification simulation are started to validate the design, and execute necessary modifications until a defect free casting is achieved. The technology enables leading foundries to produce the right castings at one time on a daily base. An industrial case clearly illustrates how time, money and energy can be saved using this casting simulation technology.
出处 《铸造》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期107-112,共6页 Foundry
关键词 模拟 浇注系统 补缩系统 凝固时间 simulation gating system feeding system solidification time
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