

Solitary Artists Achieving Mastery Through Both Chinese and Western Cultures——on Zhuang Huayue and Zhao Wuji
摘要 庄华岳1935年考进国立艺术专科学校,与赵无极同班,感情甚笃,同是班里最为出类拔萃的。庄华岳在校学习时就显露出过人的天份和才能,成为老师眼中的奇才,作品受到业师吴大羽及同学赵无极的激赏。吴师拟荐庄出国留学,因抗战爆发终成泡影。后庄华岳几十年从事教育工作。赵无极毕业后赴法深造,成就为一代大师。1957年赵无极曾误信传言,以为庄已去世,创作《友人之碑》,以画怀念。暌违40多年后,庄华岳与赵无极终于在母校重逢。晚年庄华岳重拾画笔,继续创作,其后完成多件作品令赵无极等杭州艺专旧识赞叹不已。1997年庄华岳画展在台北展出,并出版《火柴匣主人·庄华岳》画册。 Zhuang Huayue was admitted to the National College of Art in 1935,with Zhao Wuji as his classmate and best friend and both being the most outstanding in the class.When in school Zhuang showed an extraordinary talent and ability,a wizard at paintings in teachers' eyes.His works was appreciated by his tutor Wu Dayu and classmate Zhao Wuji.Wu intended to recommend Zhuang Huayue to study abroad,but because of the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan,the plan could not be implemented.Later,Zhuang Hua-yue had been engaged in education for decades.After graduation Zhao Wuji went to France for further studies,and achieved great success as one of the masters.In 1957 Zhao Wuji had mistakenly believed rumors that Zhuang Huayue died,so he created "friends of the monument" to cherish the memory of their friendship.Af-ter parting 40 years,Zhuang Huayue and Zhao Wuji had a reunion in alma mater.In his senescence Zhuang Huayue took up printing again and many pieces of works were completed receiving good recognition from Zhao Wuji and other classmates of National College of Art in Hangzhou.In 1997 Zhuang Huayue's art exhibition dis-played in Taipei,and pulished an album of "master of match box,Zhuang Huayue."
作者 郑振强
机构地区 潮州画院
出处 《韩山师范学院学报》 2011年第1期38-45,共8页 Journal of Hanshan Normal University
关键词 庄华岳 赵无极 《友人之碑》 火柴匣主人 Zhuang Huayue Zhao Wuji "friends of the monument" master of match box
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