

摘要 服务业产值占GDP比重随着社会经济发展不断上升是一个普遍的规律,服务业与工业之间存在相互关系也被许多经济学家证明。本文在对中部地区服务业与工业特征描述的基础上,从总体上分析了中部地区服务业发展对该地区工业化进程的影响;使用Granger因果分析法,论述了中部六省服务业发展与工业化进程之间的因果关系;根据实证结果,结合中部地区的实际情况,对中部地区服务业未来发展提出了相应对策和建议。 With social and economic development,the continuously rising ratio of service industry output value to GDP is a general rule and many economists have proved that there is a mutual relationship between service industry and industry.Based on the description of characteristics of service industries and industries in central China,this paper analyzes the impacts of service development in central China on industrialization in the regions as a whole and then applies Granger's causal method to state the causal relationship between service development and industrialization in central China.Moreover,based on the empirical outcomes and coupled with real situations in central China,this paper proposes relevant measures and suggestions for future development of service industry in central China.
出处 《企业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期120-123,共4页 Enterprise Economy
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"中部地区产业结构服务化拐点预测与政策准备"(批准号:08BJL039)
关键词 中部地区 服务业 工业 GRANGER因果分析 Central China Service industry Industrial Granger causality
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