
彩色多普勒超声及能量图对恶性淋巴瘤化疗前后的观察 被引量:1

Observation on Color Doppler Flow Imaging and Energy for Malignant Lymphoma Before and after Chemotherapy
摘要 【目的】探讨恶性淋巴瘤化疗前后彩色多普勒超声(CDFI)及能量图(CDE)的超声特点,观察恶性淋巴瘤对化疗的反应。【方法】对912例恶性淋巴瘤患者1886个淋巴结化疗前后纵横径比(L/T)、血供类型(BST)、阻力指数(RI)进行观测,并对比分析。【结果】化疗前95%~98%淋巴结I,/T≤1.5,85%BST为中心型,89%RI值≤0.60;化疗后,98%淋巴结L/T〉1.5,94%BST为无血型,113个能检测到血流的淋巴结的RI值〉0.60。与淋巴结缩小相比,淋巴结内血流改变对化疗更为敏感,并以舒张期血流改变为主。【结论】CDFI及CDE能早期有效地评价淋巴结内肿瘤血管对化疗的反应,对恶性淋巴瘤患者的治疗转归,具有良好的观察作用。 [ObjectivelTo explore the ultrasound features of color Doppler flow imaging(CDFI) and color Doppler energy(CDE) for malignant lymphoma before and after chemotherapy, and observe its response to chemotherapy. [Methods] Totally 912 lymphoma patients with 1886 lymph nodes were enrolled in this study. Before and after treatment, the ratio of length and transverse diameter(L/T), blood supply (BST) and resistance index (RI) were observed and compared. [Results] Before chemotherapy, 95-98% of L/T was ≤ 1.5, and 85% BST was central type, and 89% RI value was ≤ 0.60. After treatment, 98%L/T was 〉1.5, and 94%BST was exsanguine type. Blood flow of 113 lymph nodes with RI〉0.60 could be detected. Compared with the shrink of lymph nodes, the changes of the blood flow of lymph nodes were more sensitive to chemo- therapy, and the changes of diastolic blood were the major, [Conclusion]CDFI and CDE can effectively evaluate the early response of tumor vessel in lymph nodes after chemotherapy. They can also observe the treatment turnover of malignant lymphoma patients.
出处 《医学临床研究》 CAS 2011年第1期40-41,44,共3页 Journal of Clinical Research
关键词 淋巴瘤/超声检查 淋巴瘤/药物疗法 超声检查 多普勒 彩色 lymphoma/US lymphoma/DT ultrasonography,doppler,eolor
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