
一种支持车-地宽带互联的广义AP间切换模型 被引量:4

A General Inter-AP Handoff Model for Broadband Train-ground Internetworking
摘要 针对旅客列车车-地宽带互联的AP(Access Point,接入点)间切换不仅要求切换执行快速、而且要求切换判决迅速的特点,研究如何实现车载通信网关自主快速的AP间切换。为此首先提出狭义和广义AP间切换的概念,以描述车载通信网关自主地从一个AP切换到下一个AP的完整过程,并根据旅客列车宽带Internet应用的需求与特点建立车-地宽带互联的广义切换模型。为实现该模型的AP间切换性能,进一步设计基于RSM的切换判决模型和基于多无线模块的快速AP间切换算法TTBC。研究表明,基于车-地宽带互联的广义切换模型及其切换判决模型,结合快速AP间切换算法TTBC,不仅可将网络中断时间减少至毫秒级,并且可保证切换前后的通信质量,从而实现车载通信网关随旅客列车在不同AP间快速移动时自主快速的AP间切换。 This paper is to study how to realize the autonomous and rapid inter-AP handoff for broadband train-ground internetworking,namely,not only to execute the handoff process rapidly but also to make the handoff decision quickly.Hence,the special and general inter-AP handoff concepts are presented to describe the complete process that the mobile node switchovers from one AP to another,and the general inter-AP handoff model for broadband train-ground internetworking is built up.On the basis of this model,the RSM based handoff decision model and the multi-radio based fast handoff algorithm TTBC are designed.The network interrupt latency is shortened to several milliseconds and the link quality is maintained during the pre-and-post handoff process while the mobile node is moving along the serial APs with the passenger train.
出处 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期45-51,共7页 Journal of the China Railway Society
基金 福建省科技计划项目(2005HZ1001 2007I0002)
关键词 广义切换 狭义切换 车-地互联 快速切换 切换判决 general handoff special handoff train-ground internetworking rapid handoff handoff decision
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