目的 :分析输尿管镜致输尿管损伤的原因。方法 :对我院经尿道输尿管镜检查及取石术致输尿管损伤患者 17例进行分析。结果 :输尿管呈筒状撕裂 1例 ,输尿管断裂 1例 ,输尿管穿孔或粘膜严重损伤 15例。结论 :吊瓶加注射器灌注、未行输尿管扩张、无引导导丝指示、未置输尿管引流是造成输尿管损伤的重要原因。输尿管扩张术和在引导导丝指示下进镜是手术成功的关键。
Purpose: To analyze the causes of ureter injury caused by ureteroscope. Methods: A clinical analysis was carried out in 17 cases of ureteral injury owing to ureteroscopic examination and lithotomy. Results: Ureteral cylindrical laceration occurred 1 case, ureteral fragmentation 1 case, ureteral perforation or serious mucosal injury 15 cases. Conclusions: The ureteral dilatation and the ureter ureteroscope inserting into the ureter under the guide of ureteral staff were the keys of success of lithotomy.
Journal of Clinical Urology