目的探讨新生儿先天性甲状腺功能低下症的筛查、治疗、随访及疗效评价。方法对新生儿疾病筛查过程中甲低阳性者进一步明确诊断,对甲低患儿及时全程治疗,治疗后测定其体重、身高、头围及智力情况,并与同龄同性别儿童进行比较。结果筛查新生儿116 767人,筛查率61.93%,检出甲低68例,患病率为1/1724。经治疗,患儿体重、身高、头围及智力与同龄同性别正常儿童差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论对新生儿疾病筛查的甲低患儿实施及时、规范、安全、有效的治疗和随访,可改善患儿预后,保障儿童体格和智能发育正常。
Objective To discuss screening,treatment,follow-up and curative effect evaluation of neonatal congenital hypothyroidism(CH).Method Further diagnoses were made for those with neonatal screening being positive,and a-whole-course-treatment was taken immediately for each CH.After treatment,the weight,height,head circumference and intelligence of CH were measured and compared with those normal children at same age and of the same sex.Results 116 767 newborns were screened,and screening ratio equaled to 61.93%.68 cases were diagnosed as CH,and incidence of CH was 1 in 1724.After treatment and follow-up,the weight,height,head circumference and intelligence of CH and normal children were not correlated,which was not statistically significant(P0.05).Conclusion The treatment results show that normative,safe,operative treatment and follow-up could ameliorate prognosis of CH neonate and guarantee the normal physical and mental growth of them.
Health Medicine Research and Practice