
利用水稻近等基因系群体进行Ghd7和Qph1上位性分析 被引量:4

Epistasis analysis between Ghd7 and Qph1 in rice using sets of near isogenic lines
摘要 应用珍汕97/Pokkali的BC3F2群体,在第1染色体sd-1附近定位1个主效株高QTLQph1,它同时对每穗粒数也有较大效应。构建Ghd7和Qph1两个QTL同时分离的近等基因系群体,发现Pokkali在Ghd7和Qph1位点均携带增效等位基因,Ghd7和Qph1的上位性影响了株高。进一步剖分互作形式发现,两基因间对株高存在加性×显性和加性×加性效应。通过比较BC3F3群体中9种基因型的表型,发现Qph1为珍汕97纯合,Ghd7为Pokkali纯合的基因型,能够较好地调控株高、抽穗期和每穗颖花数三者间的关系,使之达到合理水平。 Plant height,heading date and number of spikelets per panicle are important agronomic traits of rice.Using BC3F2 population derived from the cross Zhenshan97/ Pokkali,a main effect QTL for plant height designated Qph1,significantly influenced the number of spikelets per panicle as well,was located on chromosome 1 near sd-1.Near isogenic line population,in which Ghd7 and Qph1 were simultaneously segregated,was constructed to analyze their interaction.The results showed Pokkali carried positive alleles at both Ghd7 and Qph1 loci,epistatic interaction between Ghd7 and Qph1 affected plant height.Further analysis found that additive×dominance and additive×additive effect affected plant height.Comparing the phenotypes of nine genotypes in BC3F3 population,the genotype of Zhenshan 97 homozyogous at Qph1 but Pokkli homozyogous at Ghd7 was found to well coordinate the relationship among plant height,heading date and spikelets per panicle,and the yield could reach to a reasonable level.
出处 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期1-7,共7页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30921091) "973"项目(2007CB109001)
关键词 产量性状 加性效应 QTL上位性效应 基因互作 yield traits additive effect QTL epistasis gene interaction
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