
语言任意性和理据性深层关系探析 被引量:2

An Exploration on the Deep Interrelationship between Linguistic Arbitrariness and Motivatedness
摘要 当代认知语言学所揭示出的大量事实证明,语言符号除具有任意性外,背后还隐藏着深刻的理据性。这一结论也与中西两大语言研究范式相契合。索绪尔从共时角度对以希腊字母为原型的印欧语研究揭示了语言的任意性原则,中国的语言学家从历时角度对汉语的研究明确了语言的理据性原则。任意性与理据性之间的深层关系决定了任意性研究中尚存在着许多问题。对这些问题的探讨不仅有助于纠正人们对语言理据学这门新学科的一些误解,而且更有利于深化对语言任意性研究这一重大问题的认知。 Numerous facts have proved that language is both arbitrary and motivated. This conclusion is compatible with the two paradigms in linguistic studies. Saussure emphasizes the principle of arbitrariness while Chinese linguists stress the principle of motivatedness. The deep interrelationship between arbitrariness and motivatedness causes many issues. The discussion on these issues can not only clear the misunderstandings in the theory of linguistic motivatedness, but also deepen the perception of linguistic arbitrariness.
作者 李二占 王砚
出处 《天津外国语学院学报》 2011年第1期15-21,共7页 Journal Of Tianjin Foreign Studies University
基金 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目(08SJB7400008)
关键词 语言符号 任意性 理据性 the linguistic sign arbitrariness motivatedness
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