以改性木粉填充 P V C为原料,利用两种组份物料的颜色及加工流动性差异,在混炼作用较弱的设备和工艺条件下进行单机双色低发泡挤出成型,可制得呈木纹理的 P V C低发泡木质塑料.其质感、外观及性能均与木材类似,兼具耐蚀、防腐、防水、难燃等硬 P V C塑料的优点和良好的二次加工性。
Woody plastics is a low ratio expended PVC srructural form profile appeared wood grain.It is made from two types filled PVC with modified wood flow,which are different in color and flowalility,by two color extruding used an extruder upon conditions that mixing efficiency is lower.The profile is similar to wood in tecture,outward appearance,properties etc,and there are dampproof,antiseptic,fireretardant and suitable secondary processing etc.characteristics like R PVC,is a good material to replace wood.
Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Light Industry(Natural Science)