加州大学数字图书馆(CDL,California Digital ibrary),是加州大学的第11个图书馆(虚拟数字图书馆),建立于1997年,是世界上最大的研究型数字图书馆之一。文章首先介绍CDL的基本情况,然后在组织机构、服务工作、创新与特色和相关发展等四个方面对其进行概要的介绍,最后提出感受和思考。
University of Califomia Digital Library (CDL) is the 1 lth library of University of California (virtual digital libraries), established in 1997. It is one of the largest digital libraries all over the world. The article introduces the basic situation, the organization, service, innovation and development of CDL. The author's comments are also given.
Digital Library Forum