目的:探讨CT对脑弥漫性轴索损伤(DAI)的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析54例经临床证实为DAI患者的临床及CT资料。结果:54例DAI早期CT均表现为弥漫性脑肿胀,脑室及脑沟池受压变小或闭塞;脑白质内单发或多发小出血灶45例,呈斑片状,直径多小于20 mm,主要位于胼胝体,皮髓质交界处,基底节区,脑干及小脑;蛛网膜和/或脑室出血38例;合并硬膜外/或下血肿19例,颅底骨折21例。结论:DAI的CT征象有其特点,对临床早期诊断和治疗及评价预后有重要价值。
Objective:To evaluate the CT diagnostic value of diffuse axonal injury(DAI).Methods:The clinical and CT data of 54 cases of DAI confirmed by clinic were retrospectively analyzed.Results:The CT manifestations at the early stage of DAI in 54 cases were diffuse encephalic swelling,compressed or occluded ventricles,sulci and cisterns.Single or multiple speckled hemorrhagic focuses(20 mm in diameter) in cerebral white matter were seen in 45 cases,which mainly located at mesolobus,cortico-medullary conjunction,basal nodal region.Hemorrhage in subarachnoid cavity and/or ventricle was seen in 38 cases.Epidural hematoma was complicated in 19 cases and subdural hematoma and skull fracture in 21 cases.Conclusion:The CT manifestations of DAI have their own features,which has important value to early diagnosis and treatment of DAI as well as evaluation of prognosis.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health