
民国时期华北乡村土地秩序的纷乱、调整与重构——以对“民国河北高等法院档案”土地纠纷类案件的分析为中心 被引量:2

The Chaos,Adjustment and Reconstruction of Rural Land Order in North China During the Republic of China——To Class the Cases of Land Disputes in "the File of Hebei High Court During the Republic of China"as the Center
摘要 民国时期,随着政治实力的消长,各派势力像走马灯似的纷纷粉墨登场,其政策也一直处于频繁的游移与兴废之中。在这种社会大背景下,华北乡村的经济社会发展就处于一种极度不稳定状态,而租佃制实施过程中的一些弊端、农地的细化分割现象、农民离村多年后返村重新确认地产以及频发的自然灾害等因素直接导致了华北乡村土地纠纷的大量出现,这不仅折射了民国时期的土地经济实态,同时亦是华北乡村土地秩序的纷乱之源。在处理华北乡村土地纠纷、维系土地秩序的过程中,契约习惯具有重要作用,其所具有的特殊约束力不仅能使土地秩序自行调整,而且还可避免许多不必要的纷争,从而在一定程度上维系了土地秩序的较为稳定的格局。但契约习惯并不是万能的,当其无法维系土地秩序时,要使土地秩序免于纷乱、重新达于稳定,就必须求助于法律、依靠法院来裁决,而且这种裁决常常是强制性的。实践也证明,法院裁判在强制重构土地秩序以及稳定社会秩序方面的确具有不可替代的重要作用。 During the Republic of China, with the rise and fall of political power, like a revolving door as the various forces have on stage, the policy has been in frequent moving around the rise and fall. In this social background, the rural economic and social development of North China to be in a state of extreme instability, the drawbacks of tenancy system in the implementation process, the phenomenon of agricultural land partition refinement, the farmers returning to the village after many years away from the village to re-confirm the real estate and frequent natural disasters and other factors led directly to the north of the large numbers of rural land disputes, which not only reflect the actual state of the land economy during the Republic of China, but also are the source of chaos of rural land order in North China. In the process of dealing with the rural land disputes of North China, and maintaining the land order, the contract used to play an important role, which has a special binding not only making the land order adjust to itself, but also avoiding many unnecessary disputes, to some extent, to maintain the land order in a more stable pattern. But the contract is not a universal habit, when it can not maintain the land order; while to make order from chaos land, re-up in stability, we must resort to the law, relying on the courts to decide, and this decision is often mandatory. Practice has proved, the court, forcing the referee in the reconstruction of the land order and keeping stability of social order is indeed an irreplaceable important role.
作者 把增强
出处 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期72-79,共8页 Journal of Hebei University(Philosophy and Social Science)
关键词 民国时期 华北乡村 土地秩序 Republic of China the rural of North China land order
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